My last post was so fun to write. My life has literally been insane in the past 7 days. I moved to a new Salon, Jeremy proposed (best night ever and every time I think about it I cry) and then the next day disaster struck. I was walking in the new Salon with my brother to cut his hair and somehow when I told him to watch his step, I stopped watching mine. I fell and heard the crack and pop. I knew I broke my foot. The pain was shocking and disgusting. My brother looked for something to brace it with and then he and another guy carried me to to the car (thanks to that guy who helped, I was in no way going to be walking) We got to the ER and right off I started joking around with the male EMT who had a sweet, natural, white hair patch. If I didn't joke I was going to throw up and think. My wedding was in SIX, weeks and I'm in the ER. Everyone was really nice to me. Mom met us there and said right off, "You will walk down the aisle". I handed mom my new engagement ring to keep safe. They gave me a pain pill which did help and made the tears stop running down my face. I kept telling everyone I was engaged! I didn't know how else to keep from freaking out. Jeremy was at work and we told him to stay since we didn't know what was going on. The Doctor came in and gave us the news, I broke 2 bones, the Tibia and Fibula and that I would need surgery now.I have never broken anything or had surgery so this was all new to me. Before I knew it they were giving me a shot in my back and wheeling me away. 9 screws, 15 staples and 1 metal plate later I was done.

Surgery went well, I guess since I was asleep! ha! I woke up in the recovery room to my nurses playing candy crush. I think I babbled on and told them I was engaged and getting married in 6 weeks while in the back of my mind I was worried I wouldn't be. I was pretty loopy for the first 2 days in the hospital. When Jeremy got there I asked him to put my ring on me again. Being in the hospital sucked. I had awesome nurses but the pain from my foot was NOTHING I have ever felt before. They said they could have me use a bed pan but I couldn't imagine trying to pee while laying down. It was really hard at first but I started to use a walker. Jeremy stayed with me the whole time I was there. I don't think he even slept the first night while they were trying to manage my pain. He was there for anything I needed which if you know me at all I take care of myself so having to ask for help to get off a toilet is not an easy thing. The first time I talked to the Doctor I was too loopy to really understand what was going on.

On day 3, checkout day I understood better. He said I MIGHT be in a boot in 6 day... You see at this point I don't mind being in a boot because it will be covered but to be freshly in one and possibly hurting? Not on this day I waited for for so long. I cried a lot. The Doc said I wouldn't be able to even put pressure on it for 3 weeks. The new salon I was at is up 2 sets of stairs and I had 5 weddings booked in the next 6 weeks. You can imagine my devastation. Jeremy and I don't live together so suddenly he has said he is going to take me and my bills on with his. I was so upset! This is one of my best seasons for work and I am O-U-T - out. While laying there in the bed I just prayed for help. I can't explain it but even though this totalllyyyyyy sucks I feel like God has this whole thing in his hands. I was able to find a stylist friend to take care of all my clients and a photographer friend to take over all the weddings. I didn't want so many people put out because I can't walk right! lol
My dear friend Jo said to me one day, "Figure out the most important thing about your wedding and go from there". I thought about it and apart from the dress, food, and where I REALLY want it to be, my number one's are, marrying Jeremy Sims,
having the people I love there and not being in pain. Everything else is just icing on the cake.
So many people are praying for me and I can feel it. Day to day God is providing for this broken Bride. My friend Amanda is coming over everyday so I am not alone and bringing her sweet baby which really brings me joy, my parents have taken me in and are caring for me, I have a walker and thanks to my friend Brittany a really nice wheelchair and who knows what else God has in store. I didn't write our love story, and I have no idea what is in this chapter now but God has us in his hands. So until the day I WALK down that aisle, I'll be writing blogs I'm sure, a friend suggested it :)
Also, I don't like asking for help but my dad has set up a
Go Fund Me to help Jeremy and I out. I have had several people ask so the link is there. MORE THAN ANYTHING please pray for my bones to heal amazingly!
Until next time.... Mary Jane